Orthodontist Open After School
As you would expect, one of the most popular and sought-after appointment times at the orthodontist is after school. Here at Mack and Hansen Orthodontics we understand this and that is why we offer more after school appointments with our extend evening hours. On Tuesday and Thursdays we are open until 6 pm and as such offer many after school appointment options. We offer new patient consultations after school as well as regular orthodontic adjustment visits and appointments to get braces on after school as well!
If you would like an after-school appointment for your braces or invisalign adjustment/visit, please mention that to our scheduling coordinator when you call in for an appointment, or when you are scheduling your next visit with one of our clinical assistants.
Trivia Tuesday:
It’s Trivia Tuesday ??? Headgear Edition
1️⃣ If your 7 or 8 year old has an underbite, what type of headgear could help correct their bite? (Yes, there are different types of headgear): Cervical Pull Headgear or a Reverse-Pull Headgear (Facemask)?
2️⃣How many hours a day should a child wear their Headgear? 6-8 or 12-14?
3️⃣How long would early treatment with a “headgear”typically be for a child? 6-8 months? 12-14 months?
Let us know your answers!! ?
Trivia Tuesday: Primary (Baby) Teeth and Dental Development Edition.
We have some tough questions this week so let us know your answers and any questions you may have!!?
1️⃣If your child’s primary teeth don’t have spaces between them, does that mean they will have enough room for their adult teeth or that they will likely have crowding when they get their adult teeth??
2️⃣At the age of 9, how many adult teeth (on average) will a child have? 8 or 12 ?
3️⃣ Your child has an adult tooth right next to a baby tooth. Which one is typically going to be whiter? Adult tooth or primary tooth??
Trivia Tuesday: Rubber Bands Edition
1️⃣Can you wear rubber bands with Invisalign?? Yes or No?
2️⃣Can wearing my rubber bands as instructed by my orthodontist help me finish treatment on time⏰and even early? ?? Yes or No?
3️⃣ What is a typical force? amount of the rubber bands we give you to wear during treatment? 4-8 oz. or 12-16 oz.?