Wondering how the Invisalign process works? Longview Orthodontist
January 23rd, 2018
We have been getting a lot of questions lately about invisalign, the process, and how it works. For a little background information, invisalign is a brand name of a type of clear aligner. Another type of clear aligner brand is Clear Correct. There are also some new brands of clear aligners coming out soon which will be similar to invisalign.
In our office, the invisalign process starts with your complimentary consultation. After your consultation, if you and Dr. Mack or Dr. Hansen decide that invisalign is the best option for your case and your lifestyle, then the next step is a scan of your teeth.
With our iTero intraoral digital scanner we are able to take an "impression" of your teeth without any of that gooey material used in the past. Additionally, the scan of your mouth, teeth, and bite are far more accurate than any of those gooey impressions of years past.
With this scan of your teeth we are able to start planning your orthodontic tooth movements, bite correction, and smile improvements almost immediately. Using our computer software Dr. Mack and Dr. Hansen are able to digitally plan your entire treatment from start to finish. After they are finished your aligners are then fabricated on 3-D printed models of your teeth and then shipped to us.
Once your invisalign aligners are delivered to our office, we give you a call to come in for your delivery. At that delivery we place any attachments that are needed on your teeth to help in tooth movement and give you your first set of orthodontic clear aligners.
After that your smile transformations are underway! We will see you back for visits to monitor your progress and determine if we need to incorporate any changes into your aligners! And now you know!
If you have any additional questions about Mack and Hansen Orthodontics or want to discover how Dr. Spencer Mack and Dr. Andrew Hansen can help you gain straighter teeth and a healthier smile with braces or Invisalign please contact us today! You can also visit www.etxortho.com to learn more about our orthodontists and request a complimentary consult, or you can call us at 903-212-7737. We’re conveniently located in Longview, TX and are just a quick drive from Marshall, Carthage, Henderson, Kilgore, and Gilmer.